Detect Events#



  • How do I find the events (change points) in a signal?

  • What is the event detection algorithm generally recommended in dupin?


  • Demonstrate using a linear cost function with ruptures for event detection.

  • Show how to use the SweepDetector class to find the events and correct number of change points.


import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import ruptures as rpt

import dupin as du

FILENAME = "lj-filtered-data.h5""seaborn-v0_8-bright")
        "lines.linewidth": 2.0,
        "axes.labelsize": 20.0,
        "axes.titlesize": 20.0,

%matplotlib inline

Define Plotting Functions#

These functions are not general purpose but used to show the detection at the end of the tutorial.

def plot_costs(detector, fig):
    ax = fig.add_subplot()
    min_ = min(sweep_detector.costs_)
    max_ = max(sweep_detector.costs_)
    ax.axvline(sweep_detector.opt_n_change_points_, color="k", linestyle="--")

def plot_signal(data, detector, fig):
    end_with_strs = ["2}$", "4}$", "6}$", "8}$", "10}$"]
    n_rows = 2
    n_cols = 3
    gridspec = mpl.gridspec.GridSpec(
    for i, end_str in enumerate(end_with_strs):
        ax = fig.add_subplot(gridspec[i // n_cols, i % n_cols])
        df = data.filter(
            [c for c in data.columns if c.endswith(end_str)], axis="columns"
            ax=ax, legend=False, title="_".join(df.columns[0].split("_")[-2:])
        for cp in sweep_detector.opt_change_points_:
            ax.axvline(cp, linestyle="--")

Load Data#

We load the data from the previous section.

data = pd.read_hdf(FILENAME, "data")

Linear Cost Function#

For general event detection we recommend the dupin.detect.CostLinearFit cost function for use in a ruptures detector. The linear cost function scales each feature to the unit square and then fits a line over the subset of the signal for each feature independently. The badness of fit then serves as the cost function, by default the Mean Squared Error. Below we create a ruptures.Dynp detector using our cost function.

lin_regress_cost = du.detect.CostLinearFit()
dynp = rpt.Dynp(custom_cost=lin_regress_cost)

Sweep Detector#

rupture detectors require either a cost cap or a number of change points to detect events. This means that we either a priori need to know the number of change points or an appropriate penalty. Generally, we don’t know this, so we use dupin.detect.SweepDetector to detect the best \(N\) change points for \(N \in \{1, 2, ..., N_{max}\}\) for some max number of change points. Then we detect the elbow in the costs over number of change points. This then is the number of detected change points. Below we use SweepDetector to detect the events in the signal.

sweep_detector = du.detect.SweepDetector(dynp, max_change_points=6)
change_points =
print(f"Optimal change points: {change_points}")
Optimal change points: [15]

Plot Data#

We have now detected our first event! Below we plot the cost over number of change points and the signal with the change point shown.

fig = plt.Figure(figsize=(5, 5))
plot_costs(sweep_detector, fig)
fig = plt.Figure(figsize=(10, 7))
plot_signal(data, sweep_detector, fig)

This tutorial is now complete. See the API documentation for further questions.