
Contributions are welcomed via pull requests on GitHub. Create an issue first to ensure that the proposed changes are in line with the direction of the package.


Implement functionality in a general and flexible fashion#

New features should be applicable to a variety of use-cases.

Agree to the Contributor Agreement#

All contributors implicitly agree to the Contributor Agreement (ContributorAgreement) when contributing code to this project.

Source code#

This package uses pre-commit to ensure consistent formatting of Python code. To install pre-commit run the following commands in the project directory.

python3 -m pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install


We also recommend the use of pipx to install Python applications. To do this first install pipx via your preferred method and then run pipx install pre-commit.

Document code with comments#

Write proper docstrings for all modules, classes, and functions. In addition write standard # comments when the code is complicated or such comments would improve understanding.


Write unit tests#

Add unit tests for all new functionality.

Propose a change log entry#

Propose a short concise entry describing the change in the pull request description.